Research Papers
Are you involved in research focusing on a topic with links to the 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development in a low or medium income country? Then we invite you to present your work at DevRes 2024.
We are particularly interested in research abstracts where contributions:
a) problematize the challenges related to reaching the SDGs and the overarching 2030 Agenda due to tensions in development priorities linked to deepening polarization in politics/policies and/or finances;
b) discuss conflicts of objectives between and among stakeholders, and/or between goals, targets and measurements.
c) examine empirical cases and/or cross-cutting issues that contribute to or hamper SDG achievements, in a low or medium-income country setting.
The parallell research paper sessions will be scheduled in 90-minute slots, and we encourage submissions of both individual as well as research panel presentations, consisting of researchers and collaborating partners.
What to include in the Abstract for a Research Paper (300-350 words):
Background: Describe the research topic and its linkages to the 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development
Methods: Describe how the research was conducted
Results: What are the preliminary results of the research
Conclusion: What are the implications of the research results for the 2030 Agenda
What to include in the Abstract for a Research Panel (300-350 words):
Background: Describe the theme of the research panel and its linkages to the 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development.
Panel contributor topics: Describe the topics of each of the panel contributors.
Key words: Include up to six keywords that summarizes the research panel.
Please note:
Abstracts must be submitted in English.
At least some findings unpublished at the time of abstract submission should be included.
The presenting author of the abstract must complete registration by June 30th 2024 to ensure inclusion in the conference book of abstracts.
Each registrant can submit only one research paper abstract for evaluation.
The same abstract cannot be submitted by different delegates.