Programme DevRes 2024

Conference venue
Address: Inspira, Medicon Village, Scheelevägen 4, 223 63 Lund
Abstracts Devres 2024
The complete list of abstracts presented at Devres 2024 (Pdf, 779 kb, opens i new window)
Print friendly version of the programme
Print friendly version of the programme (Pdf, 1,7 MB, opens in new window)
Conference Day 1 – 21 October Conference venue: Inspira, Medicon Village, Scheelevägen 4
13.00 - 17.30
Venue: Auditorium
Moderated by Sara Gabrielsson, Lund University
Conference welcome
Opening ceremony: Soraida Chindoy Buesaquillo, Resguardo Indigena , Condagua, Putumayo, Colombia
Welcome addresses: Katarina Bjelke, Director General of the Swedish Research Council and Per Mickwitz, Vice Principal, Lund University
Keynote presentations:
Moderated by Catia Gregoratti, Lund University
Swati Parashar, Gothenburg University
Agnes Andersson, Lund University
Lukovi Seke, African Union Development Agency
AFTERNOON BREAK with tea/coffee and cake
Funding development research and research for a sustainable development
Lisa Westholm, The Swedish Research Council
Consequences of cuts in funding for Swedish development research
Jesper Sundewall and Janet Vähämäki, SWEDEV Network
Comment via link by Maria Nilsson, Secretary of State, Swedish Ministry of Education and Research
Panel: Reaching the SDGs in a polarized world
Moderated by Kristina Jönsson, Lund University
Fredrik Söderbaum, Gothenburg University
Lukovi Seke, African Union Development Agency, NEPAD
Carl Björkman, The Gates Foundation
Yi Hyun Kang, Lund University
Venue: Inspira Cafe
Networking mingle
Conference Day 2 – 22 October: Parallel research Sessions 1 A–E
Venue: Auditorium
Panel 1A Development Cooperation in Flux: Navigating in a Polarized World
Discussant: Swati Parashar, Gothenburg University
Results based practices in peace-building – in search of pragmatic bureaucracy
Janet Vähämäki, Stockholm Environment Institute and Fredrik Söderbaum, Gothenburg University
Implementing strategy in development cooperation through organisational knowledge creation: The case of Sida
Maximilian Bruder, Stockholm Environment Center
Time to rethink the bilateral aid model: the case of development assistance for health
Jesper Sundewall, Lund University
Venue: Allvar
Papers 1B Governance and Partnership for SDG Implementation
Informal Local Governance in Small Towns in Africa
Ana Maria Vargas Falla, Lund University
Humanitarian-Development-Peace Nexus in Sudan: A Policy Analysis with a Focus on the Health Sector
Huzeifa Aweesha, Umeå University
Watchdog or Underdog? The Role of Civil Society Organisations in the Implementation of the SDGs
Magdalena Bexell, Lund University
What Does National Ownership Do to Civil Society?
Malin Hasselskog, Gothenburg University
Legitimacy Challenges of Business-Led MSPs for the 2030 Agenda
Matteo De Donà, Lund University
Venue: Sune
Papers 1C Agricultural Development in Africa
Characteristics of Dryland Farming Systems and the Role of Women
Barbara Schumann, Linnaeus University
Patterns of Food (In)security among Household Beneficiaries of Livestock-Transfer Programs in Rwanda
Jean de Dieu Nkubito, University of Rwanda
Urban Farming: Barrier or Opportunity for the SDGs in Rwanda?
Karolin Andersson, The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
An Integrated Agroforestry-Bioenergy System for Enhanced Energy and Food Security in Rural Sub-Saharan Africa
Natxo García-López, Umeå University
French Bean Production as Influenced by Biochar and Biochar Blended Manure Application in Two Agro-Ecological Zones of Rwanda
Uwingabire Solange, Sokoine University of Agriculture
Venue: Bengt
Papers 1D Pollution
Protecting While Promoting? Scrutinizing an Agroindustry-Led Initiative for ‘Safe Use’ of Pesticides in Uganda
Elina Andersson, Lund University
Ellinor Isgren, Lund University and Gothenburg University
Grassroots Initiatives Tackling Plastic Pollution: A Just and Green Transition from Below
Maria Jose Zapata Campos, University of Gothenburg and Swedish International Centre for Local Democracy (ICLD)
Pad Pollution in Kenya?
Panagiotis Evangelopoulos, RISE Research Institutes of Sweden AB, Sara Gabrielsson, Lund University
Venue: Sharience
Panel 1E Synthesising Loss and Damage Research to Inform Development Policy
Loss and Damage Concepts and Definitions – An Overview
Emily Boyd, Lund University
Loss and Damage Measuring and Data Gaps
Murray Scown, Lund University
Non-Economic Loss and Damage
Alicia N’guetta, Lund University
Loss and Damage in the African Context
Ayansina Ayanlade, Obafemi Awolowo University
Loss and Damage Research from Practice Needs
Mattias Söderberg, DanChurchAid
MORNING BREAK with tea/coffee and sandwich
Conference Day 2 – 22 October: Parallel research Sessions 2A–E
Venue: Auditorium
Panel 2A ‘Green’ Extractivism: Violence, Environmental Destruction and its Contestation
Protecting the mountains for the future - environmental human rights defenders in Colombia and their fight against the global expansion of the mineral resource frontier
Soraida Chindoy, Indigenous Activist, Colombia
Juan Samper, Valentina Lomanto and Torsten Krause, Lund University
Fortifying global supplies of critical minerals? The role of Small-Scale Mines in Sub-Saharan Africa
Gavin Hilson, University of Surrey
Understanding the underside of promoting responsible artisanal gold mining in Burkina Faso
Tongnoma Zongo, Institut des Sciences des Sociétés,
Sylvie Capitant, Université Paris Panthéon Sorbonne
Positioning “responsible” mining: Artisanal small-scale goldmining organisations motivations for engaging with voluntary standards
Muriel Cote, Lund University
Leonardo Güiza Suarez, Universidad del Rosario
Christoph Kaufmann, Universidad del Rosario
Life histories of repression and women resistance in the mining corridor of Andean Peru.
Rocio Silva-Santisteban, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Peter Leys, RUC
Venue: Allvar
Papers 2B Gender and Labour
Fixing the Global Care Crisis with 3 Rs
Catia Gregoratti, Lund University
Sofie Tornhill, Linnaeus University
The Development Domain of Feminist Foreign Policy: Old Wine in New Bottles?
Ekatherina Zhukova, Karlstad University
Social Reproduction and the Everyday Lives of Local and Migrant Labour in and around Mauritian Garment Production
Linn Ternsjö, Lund University
Certification and Working Conditions of Workers on Mango Farms
Rexford Akrong, University of Cape Coast
Implementation of Midwife-led Continuity of Care model in Ethiopia
Helena Lindgren, Sophiahemmet College
Solomon Hailemeskel Beshah, Debre Berhan University
Venue: Bengt and Sune
Workshop 2C Glocal Workshop on the Future of the SDGs
Led by Emily Boyd, Lund University
Global horizon scan workshop on the top 100 questions on the SDGs post-2030 led by Lund University. Following a series of five global workshops, we will collectively rank and discuss the final selection of the top 100 questions. The outcome will be a map of critical avenues for the future and a stocktake of what we have achieved. It is an opportunity to network with researchers across research fields and with actors within development practice. Participants are invited to contribute as co-authors in the upcoming synthesis-paper.
You need to prepare ahead of the workshop, please email tilly [dot] laestander [at] lucsus [dot] lu [dot] se to access more info on this. Others are invited to participate as observers. Workshop capacity: 30 active participants.
Venue: Sharience
Panel 2E Dryland Transformation in East Africa
Conceptual framework of Drylands Transform and assessment of land health at landscape scale showing large spatial variation in species richness and degradation
Aida Bargues Tobella, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Co-development of technical interventions for sustainable rangeland restoration and regenerative kitchen gardens with women, men and youth herders and farmers
Stephen M Mureithi, University of Nairobi
Household surveys to understand the resilience of communities to seasonality and climate variability, and how livelihood strategies contribute to food security and human wellbeing in the face of environmental hazards
Annrose Mwangi, University of Nairobi and Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Exploring boundary-making, tenure insecurity, and conflict across the Karamoja cluster to understand pathways towards good dryland governance
Per Knutsson, University of Gothenburg
Panel Chair
Ingrid Öborn, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Conference Day 2 – 22 October: Parallel research Sessions 3A–3E
Venue: Auditorium
Panel 3A Emerging Development Themes Post 2030
Revisiting extractive inequalities
Anders Uhlin and Georgia de Leeuw, Lund University
100 key questions for the post-2030 global development agenda
Emily Boyd, Lund University
Links between development and migration in development theory and practice
Simon Turner, Lund University
Emerging technologies in development research
Ola Hall, Lund University
Venue: Allvar
Papers 3B Covid Outcomes
Analyzing Africa’s Dual Crises: The Impact of Foreign Debt on Food Insecurity in 32 countries
Emmanuel Orkoh, Nordic Africa Institute
Public and Private Sector Legitimacy and Health System Resilience
Dell Saulnier, Lund University
Infrastructural Responses in the (Post)Pandemic City
Ilda Lindell, Stockholm University
Navigating (Post)Pandemic Economic Hardship in the Context of State Neglect
Lena Fält, Stockholm University
Venue: Sune
Papers 3C Climate Adaptation Mitigation
Unraveling the Potential for Maladaptation: An analysis of heat-related adaptation policies in Accra, Ghana
Frederick Ato Armah, University of Cape Coast
Maryam Nastar, Lund University
The Irony of Mining the Amazon to Save the Planet
Juan Samper, Lund University
The State of Climate Resilience and Adaptive Capacity in Case Study Areas in Kenya – The cross-cutting layers of Increased Climate Risks, Climate governance, Conflicts, and Gender Dynamics
Shilpa Muliyil Asokan, Nordic Africa Institute
Carbon, Conservation or Communities? Trade-offs in Carbon Forestry
Flora Hajdu, Klara Fischer and Linda Engström, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Ronald Ndesanjo, University of Dar es Salaam
David Tumusiime, University of Rwanda
Hydrosocial Territories and Autonomy in Glacierised Environments: A Case Study of Artificial Ice Reservoirs in Ladakh
Sahana Subramanian, Lund University
Venue: Bengt
Papers 3D Conflict Management
From Global Narratives to Local Realities: Dissecting Multi-level Armed Conflict Datasets for the Refugee-hosting District in Bangladesh
Rokon Uddin, Stockholm University
Social Conflicts, their Interactions and Seasonality in Karamoja Region
Derick Ansyijar Kuule, Makerere University
Urban Growth and Conflict Management in Low-Income Neighbourhoods: Insights from Korogocho and Kawangware, Nairobi
Emma Elfversson, Uppsala University
Who Benefits, Where, and Why? Analysing Patterns of, and Influences on, Inclusion in Small Town Development in Uganda and Tanzania: An Inclusivity Index and Regression Model
Heather Mackay, Lund University
Venue: Sharience
Panel 3E Shifting Paradigms: Innovations in the Global South
Innovation in Rural Regions: The Role for Universities in Developing Interactive Learning Spaces
Rhiannon Pugh, Franco Arandia Arzabe and Jazmin Olivares Ugarte, Lund University
Division of Labor in the Context of Scientific Inequality
Annika Ralfs, Vinicius Muraro, Alysson Mazoni and Pauline Mattsson, Lund University
People and Place: A bottom-up approach to just transformations
Stuti Haldar and Markus Grillitsch, Lund University
Rethinking the Circular Economy: Integrating Small-Scale Resource Conservation Practices in the Global South into Mainstream Discourse
Gautam Sharma and Yahia Mahmoud, Lund University
AFTERNOON BREAK with tea/coffee and cake
Conference Day 2 – 22 October: Interactive World Café and evening session
15.30 - 20.30
Venue: Restaurant (Upper Dining Area)
Interactive World Café
See the full programme for presenters and topics at the Interactive World Café
Venue: Sharience
SWEDEV Network Assembly
Venue: Restaurant (Upper Dining Area)
CONFERENCE DINNER and LIVE MUSIC entertainment with Mao Zybamba and friends
Let the vibrant beats and soulful tunes sweep you off your feet and transport you to a world of rhythmic enchantment with traditional tunes from Burkina Faso, New Guinea and Sweden! The charismatic singer and multi-instrumentalist Mao Zybamba will take the stage, and he’ll be joined by the passionate kora player Andreas Åkesson, the djembe wizard Mamadouba Bangoura, and the multi-talented Ibrahima Camara on balafon, djembe, and vocals.
Conference Day 3 – 23 October: Keynote presentations
Venue: Auditorium
Moderated by Muriel Cote, Lund University
Susan Chomba, World Resources Institute, Kenya
Mother Nature Cambodia
Africa Institute for Energy Governance, Uganda
Speaker: Diana Nabiruma
MORNING BREAK with tea/coffee and fruit
Conference Day 3 – 23 October: Impact stories
Venue: Auditorium
Moderated by Barry Ness, Lund University
How AgriFoSe2030 Achieved Research Impact Benefiting Smallholders
Heather Mackay, Lund University
Dryland Restoration Knowledge Sharing Hubs, Livestock Cafés
Stephen Mureithi, University of Nairobi
Restore4More: Scaling Rangeland Restoration in the East African Drylands through Synergies in the Biodiversity - Water - Climate Nexus
Aida Bargués-Tobella, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Measuring Women’s Empowerment to Promote Gender-Transformative WASH in Bangladesh
Gin Dupont, Sarah Dickin, Uppsala University
Promoting Collaborative Engagement and SDGs Localization in Uganda
Irene Wanyana, Makerere University
Five years with the Midwize Leadership Program - Impact and Experiences from Uganda and Ethiopia
Helena Lindgren, Sophiahemmet College
Visualizing the Future with Participatory Methods in Tanzania
Emma Johansson, Lund University
Human Rights-Based Approach to Community Development: A PPDP Model for Lower-Middle-Income Economies
David Chiawo, Peggy Ngila, Titus Kuria, Jackson Obare, Strathmore University
Air Quality in Ethiopia – From No Data to NASA
Ebba Malmqvist, Lund University
Conference Day 3 – 23 October: Conference reflections and closing
Venue: Auditorium
Moderated by Sara Gabrielsson, Lund University
Closing ceremony
Soraida Chindoy Buesaquillo, Resguardo Indigena
Condagua, Putumayo, Colombia
Keynote Speakers

Susan Chomba
Dr Susan Chomba is the Director of Vital Landscapes at the World Resources Institute (WRI). She leads WRI Africa’s work on forest protection and landscape restoration, food systems transformation and water. She is a scientist with extensive research and development experience on the continent for more than 15 years

Swati Parashar
Swati Parashar is a Professor in Peace and Development at the School of Global Studies, Gothenburg University, Sweden. Her teaching and research have led to academic appointments and fellowships in India, Singapore, UK, US, Ireland, Australia and Sweden. Her research interests include feminism, postcolonialism, research methodologies, gender based violence, famines and development in South Asia and East Africa. She is the author and co editor of several books, journal special issues and articles, policy papers and popular media pieces.

Mother Nature Cambodja (Right Livelihood Laureate 2023)
Mother Nature Cambodia is an environmental rights movement working at the forefront of environmental preservation, human rights and democracy. Operating under the shadow of Cambodia’s autocratic regime, the movement aims to preserve the country’s rich natural environment and give voice to communities affected by corrupt and damaging practices.

Yi hyun Kang
Yi hyun Kang is a postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Political Science, Lund University. She carries out a research project on global climate, biodiversity, and sustainable development governance with attention to institutional and discursive interactions. Previously, Yi hyun worked as a postdoctoral researcher at UCLouvain Saint-Louis Bruxelles in Belgium and investigated youth actors in international environmental politics. Her research interests center around the decision-making processes of environmental politics. She has developed her interests through work experiences in journalism, international development and research sectors.

Lukovi Seke
Lukovi Seke is employed by the African Union Development Agency – New Partnership for Africa’s Development (AUDA-NEPAD). Over the past 17 years, he has provided African Union Member States with technical support to strengthen the capacity to measure both research and development and innovation through the Swedish funded African Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators (ASTII) programme.

Africa Institute for Energy Governance, AFIEGO (Right Livelihood Laureate 2022)
In the face of the global climate crisis, AFIEGO stands with communities against oil and gas exploitation projects. Resisting government and corporate threats, the organisation ensures that communities affected by colonialist extractive energy projects can raise their voices on national and international levels.

Janet Vähämäki
Janet Vähämäki is Team Lead for the Development Policy and Finance Team at SEI Headquarters. Janet is also the Director for the Swedish Development Research Network (SweDev), with a secretariat at SEI. Janet’s research concerns governance of development aid and understanding trust patterns in development management.

Lisa Westholm
Coordinator for development research at the Swedish Research Council. Lisa Westholm has a PhD in international forest and climate policy. She has studied the connections between the global, national and local levels in the formulation of environmental policy, and the political and social processes involved in such policy making and implementation.

Agnes Andersson
Agnes Andersson is a Professor of Human Geography and the acting Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences at Lund University. Her research specialises on development geography, with a focus on change processes within and beyond agriculture in sub-Saharan Africa.

Carl Björkman
Carl Björkman is Head of Nordics at the Gates Foundation, managing relationships with Nordic governments and grants for international development and global health. Previously Director at the World Economic Forum, he has also worked for the European Commission, Waterberry Development Organisation, and the UN.

Jesper Sundewall
Chairperson of The Swedish Development Research Network (SWEDEV) Steering Committee

Fredrik Söderbaum
Fredrik Söderbaum is Professor of Peace and Development Research in the School of Global Studies (SGS), University of Gothenburg and an Associate Research Fellow of the United Nations University Institute of Comparative Regional Integration Studies (UNU-CRIS). His research focuses among other things on comparative regionalism, regional and global governance, development theory and policy, peace and security, and African politics. Söderbaum has conducted field research in a considerable number of countries in Africa and to a lesser extent also in Europe and Asia, and regularly provides advice to international development agencies and international organizations. Until recently he served as the chair of the Swedish Development Research Network (SweDev).
Moderators and more

Kristina Jönsson
Kristina Jönsson is associate professor and Head of Department of Political Science, Lund University. She is also coordinator of the Research School on Sustainable Development and Poverty Reduction.

Muriel Côte
Muriel Côte is an associated senior lecturer at the Department of Human Geography, Lund University

Sara Gabrielsson
Sara Gabrielsson is a senior lecturer in Sustainability science at Lund University. Sara is also the coordinator of the DevRes Conference.

Barry Ness
Barry Ness is an associate professor in Sustainability Science and the Director of the Centre for Sustainability Studies (LUCSUS) at Lund University.

Catia Gregoratti
Senior lecturer at the Department of Political Science, Lund University.

Mao Zybamba
Mao Zybamba from Burkina Faso is a singer and multi- instrumentalist who plays everything from the traditional string instrument kundé to the key harp. He and his talented friends will entertain with live music at the end of the second day of the conference.