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LUCSUS seminars

Every second Thursday, 11.00-12.00 CET

The LUCSUS seminars is a research seminar series with researchers at LUCSUS as well as invited guests working with societal change and transformations for sustainability.

The seminar programme for 2025 will be presented in January/February

Programme 2024

The programme is updated continously. 

12 December
State-as-market, market-as-governor: How the financialization of nature is embedded in public finance
Jens Christiansen,  LUCSUS, Lund University 

5 December
Climate anxiety renegotiated - What are we doing when representing climate fear?
Christian Palacios Haugestad, guest researcher at LUCSUS, Lund University 

28th November 
Maladaptation to extreme urban heat: at what cost, to whom?
Maryam Nastar, LUCSUS, Lund University 

21st November
Researching housing justice and urban green inequalities: Towards more just and sustainable cities
Melissa Garcia, LUCSUS, Lund University 

14th November
JOL Committee presents 
Sara Gabrielsson, LUCSUS, Lund University 

7th November
Sustainable Energy Transitions in the EU? Aquathermal systems and the WaterWarmth project
Barry Ness and Sara Brogaard, LUCSUS, Lund University 

31st October
Two-in-one spectacular: Prefiguring sustainable food systems and transdisciplinary/action research 
Rebecca Laycock Pedersen, LUCSUS, Lund University 

Prefiguring Sustainable Food Enterprise for Sustainability Education
Rebecca is working on a project exploring what constraints change agents attempting to prefigure sustainable food systems face, how they navigate the tensions between their values and these constraints, and what they learn in the process of attempting to put their values into action. It's a comparative study looking at Calgary, Canada and Malmö, Sweden.

Comparing transdisciplinary and action research in sustainability science
She is also in the later stages of a massive systematic review (1600+ articles) exploring the differences between transdisciplinary research and action research in sustainability science. She will share some of their main results and would like feedback from  transdisciplinary and action researchers.

3rd October 
Migrant farmworkers in a changing climate: Socio-economics of climate extremes at the nexus of precarity and migration
Sinem Kavak, Mine Islar, Lennart Olsson, LUCSUS, Lund University

This seminar will introduce the FORMAS-funded project 'Unravelling Climate Change Impacts on Migrant Farmworkers in Agri-food Production'. 

We present our preliminary findings on the climate vulnerability of migrant farmworkers in the context of both socio-economic vulnerability and precarious migratory labour systems, which have been neglected in vulnerability and adaptation studies .Migrant farmworkers experience livelihood stress from multiple sources of socio-economic vulnerability such as class, poverty, gender, age and ethnicity. They may be undocumented migrants, slum dwellers, marginalised minorities, women, refugees or children. Against this background, and focusing on the case of Turkey, we present factors that contribute to the climate vulnerability of migrant farm workers and mechanisms through which it interacts with already high levels of social vulnerability. Our findings contribute to the literature on migration as adaptation and climate-induced immobility. 

19th September
11 - 12.30
Two decades after automobile politics: Cultural Political Economies of Stability and Transformation


  • Matthew Paterson, Professor of International Politics, The University of Manchester
  • Jacob Hasselbalch, Associate Professor at the Department of Organization, Copenhagen Business School
  • Karl Holmberg, PhD student at the Department of Political Science, Lund University
  • Sara Ullström, PhD student at LUCSUS  

5th September 
Research smorgasbord with Professor Kimberly Nicholas, LUCSUS, Lund University 

Come and listen to Kimberly presenting her research in six areas:

  1. Effective climate action to reduce emissions fast and fairly
  2. Sustainable land and food systems
  3. Advancing the field of sustainability science
  4. Sustainability science education
  5. Impacts of climate change on winegrowing
  6. Science communication for research impact

29th August 
Remaking money for a sustainable future
Ester Barinaga, Professor, Sten K. Johnson Centre for Entrepreneurship, Department of Business Administration, Lund University

Money is at the root of the polycrisis. From climate change and bio-diversity loss to increased inequality – many of our sustainability challenges can be traced to the internal design and functioning of our conventional money. That is, money is not neutral to the functioning of the economy nor to the organization of our society. There is hope in this insight. For, if money is designed it can be re-designed and re-made to promote more sustainable, just, and caring ways of living together. Based on examples of various monies around the world, the presentation focuses on how money is being re-claimed and re-organized to advance more sustainable economies.

30th May
Sinem Kavak, LUCSUS

16th May
The roles of unions in just transitions in Spain 
Alvaro Ramón Sanchez, visiting at the Department of Human Geography, Lund University 

25th April
Technologies for anticipation: environmental monitoring apps as vehicles of climate communication 
Carin Graminius, Department of Arts and Cultural Sciences, Lund University 

11th April
The future models manual: the potential of art-science collaborations to incite more reflective modelling practices
Lisette van Beek, University of Utrecht’s Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development

14th March 
Just Energy Transitions in the Global South!
Panelists: Irene Vélez-Torres, Full Professor, Universidad del Valle, and former Minister of Mines and Energy in Colombia, and Morten Gøbel Poulsen, Oxfam Denmark

29 February 
Weaving radical alternatives from the grassroots
Vasna Ramasar, Department of Human Geography, Lund University 

15 February 
Climate anxiety and coping with the climate crisis
Marlis Wullenkord, Department of Architecture and Built Environment, Lund University 

1 February 
Values of Nature on ICE: Introduction of glacier project and preliminary findings
Mine Islar, LUCSUS, Lund University 

About the seminars

The LUCSUS seminars are open for the public. We aim for it to be an open, reflective and interdisciplinary academic forum for new ideas and research on sustainability. 

Every second Thursday 11.00-12.00 

Josephson building (room Vandana, Carson or Maathai), Biskopsgatan 5

Contact: Sahana Subramanian, sahana [dot] subramanian [at] LUCSUS [dot] lu [dot] se (sahana[dot]subramanian[at]LUCSUS[dot]lu[dot]se).