Research project: Environmental Human Rights Defenders – Change Agents at the Crossroads of Climate change, Biodiversity and Cultural Conservation
- 1 PhD position in Sustainability Science. Read the announcement at
Deadline: 16 February 2023
Environmental human rights defenders (EHRD) are increasingly being recognized as pivotal actors in transformations towards sustainability, biodiversity protection and climate action. In addition, EHRD often defend the rights of indigenous peoples, local communities and other marginalized groups.
However, they may also be facing intimidation and violence for their efforts. Rarely are the struggles for political, cultural, social, economic and environmental rights made visible in international policy arenas.
In this inter-disciplinary project, we seek to investigate how and to what extent are EHRD confronting these challenges, and acting as agents of change for cultural and biodiversity conservation and climate change mitigation and adaptation. In the project we seek to develop an overarching conceptual understanding of EHRD that can be applied to different social and regional contexts from the global to a more regional level.
The regional focus of our analysis is on Colombia, where EHRD assume a prominent yet precarious role as change agents. We analyze their goals, motivations and underlying discourses, and then investigate the practices they apply for protecting cultural and biological heritage and promoting sustainable development.
Research project: NATURICE- Exploring plural values of human-nature relationships in glacierized environments
- 1 PhD position in Sustainability Science. Read the announcement at
Deadline: 1st March, 2023.
- Postdoctoral Fellow in Sustainability Science. Read the announcement at
Deadline: 1st of March, 2023
We are looking for candidates to work with us on the project, NATURICE- Exploring plural values of human-nature relationships in glacierized environments. The project’s main objective is to assess and examine how values are affected by climate related challenges through a trans-regional study of glaciers in Scandinavia and the Himalayas.
Positions are funded by Swedish Research Council for Sustainable Development (FORMAS) and will be supervised by Principal Investigator Dr. Mine Islar, Lund University Centre for Sustainability Studies (LUCSUS) in collaboration with Dr. Anna Sinisalo (GRID-Arendal), Prof. Erik Gomez-Baggethun (The Norwegian Institute for Nature Research-NINA) and Dr.Emma Li Johansson (LUCSUS).