Henner Busch
Researcher, Docent
Research Topics
- Energy Justice
- Community Energy
- Just Transition
- Transnational Municipal Climate Networks
- Nature in Videogames
Ongoing Research
Broadly speaking, my research focusses on the intersection between energy systems, climate policies and society. In particular, I am interested in questions of justice: who benefits from energy projects and who bears the burden? Whose interests do we serve when building an oil pipeline, a hydropower station or when developing new energy regulations? Who has the power to shape debates on future energy systems and who defines which pathways of climate mitigation are realistic and which are not?
I am currently working on a number of projects:
- Just Swedish Transport Industry Transitions (JUSTIT) aims to assess the impact of low-carbon transition on transport workers in Sweden and to support trade unions, government and businesses with designing policies and strategies to ensure a just transition. More information here.
- Workers as Agents of a Green and Just Transition. A real-life experiment in Sweden and Spain aims at empowering industry workers to become active agents in a green transition. More information here.
- Burying problems? Imaginaries of Carbon Capture and Storage in Scandinavia examines how ideas about a future application of CCS shape policies and decision-making around climate mitigation today. More information here.
- Of Pople, PV, Pwer Lines: Energy Islands in the Nordics investigates how island communities in Sweden and Finland manage citizen involvement in planning processes in an energy transition. More information here.
Previous projects include:
"Navigating Justice Claims - Between Riots, Strikes and Business as Usual", which investigated different justice claims that are voiced by all kinds of groups in society and explored ways to navigate these claims. (2020-2023)
The Co2mmunity project (http://co2mmunity.eu/), which investigated the establishment and management of community energy projects in the Baltic Sea Region. (2018-2020)
A project entitled “Mot hållbar biomassa inom bioekonomin?”, which focusses on the role of certification schemes for bioenergy in the growing biobased economy. (2016/2017)
A project hosted by the Pufendorf Instistute for Advanced Studies, which focusses on Energy Justice. More information on this project can be found here. (2016/2017)
I teach, supervise and examine students at undergraduate, master and PhD level. In the past, I taught both methodology-oriented content such as systems thinking, energy justice and cost benefit analysis and content that focusses on trends and empirics, such as development of energy systems, globalisation or the depiction of climate change in video games. I have supervised some 40 master thesis on a wide range of topic, including community energy, urban development, discourses on air pollution or edible insects.
Presentation of the paper "Green Attraction"
Presentation of the paper "Linked for Action?"
Presentation of the paper "Local Power"
Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title.
A Trojan horse for climate policy: Assessing carbon lock-ins through the Carbon Capture and Storage-Hydrogen-Nexus in Europe
Lena Faber, Henner Busch, Lina Lefstad
(2025) Energy Research & Social Science, 120
Journal articleBurying problems? Imaginaries of carbon capture and storage in Scandinavia
Lina Lefstad, Jonas Allesson, Henner Busch, Wim Carton
(2024) Energy Research & Social Science, 113
Journal articleFinansiering för en transformativ klimatomställning
Lena Neij, Fedra Vanhuyse, Jenny Palm, Henner Busch
ReportFuel for revolt – moral arguments as delegitimation practices in Swedish fuel protests
Jens Portinson Hylander, Eric Brandstedt, Ellen Lycke, Vasna Ramasar, Henner Busch
(2024) Environmental Politics, 33 p.1109-1129
Journal articleWinds of change: An engaged ethics approach to energy justice
Eric Brandstedt, Henner Busch, Ellen Lycke, Vasna Ramasar
(2024) Energy Research & Social Science, 110
Journal articlePolitikerna struntar i klimatforskningen : 420 forskare: Regeringens politik är katastrofal – nu måste fler svenskar kräva en omställning
Glenn Bark, Karin Gerhardt, Jeannette Eggers, Paul Glantz, Maria Wolrath Söderberg, et al.
(2023) Aftonbladet Debatt
Newspaper articleIgnorera inte transportarbetarnas behov när branschen ställer om
Maria Xylia, Björn Nykvist, Eric Brandstedt, Henner Busch, Sirin Celik, et al.
(2023) Altinget
Newspaper articleSafe havens for energy democracy? Analysing the low-carbon transitions of Danish energy islands
Henner Busch, Jörg Radtke, Mine Islar
(2023) Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft, 33 p.227-251
Journal articleSveriges utsläpp måste minska nu, regeringen : 531 forskare: Annars är sveket monumentalt – ni kan inte säga att ni inte visste
Alasdair Skelton, Kimberly Nicholas, Lennart Olsson, David Alcer, Tomas Persson, et al.
(2023) Aftonbladet
Newspaper articlePlace-specificity matters but avoid the local trap!
Henner Busch
(2023) Versus Lehti
Journal articleThe Rise and Fall of Energy Democracy: 5 Cases of Collaborative Governance in Energy Systems
Olivier Berthod, Thomas Blanchet, Henner Busch, Conrad Kunze, Colin Nolden, et al.
(2023) Environmental Management, 71 p.551-564
Journal articleMining coal while digging for justice: Investigating justice claims against a coal-phase out in five countries
Henner Busch, Vasna Ramasar, Sofia Avila, Brototi Roy, Ana Mandinic, et al.
(2023) The Extractive Industries and Society, 15
Journal articleWhen energy justice is contested: A systematic review of a decade of research on Sweden's conflicted energy landscape
Vasna Ramasar, Henner Busch, Eric Brandstedt, Krisjanis Rudus
(2022) Energy Research and Social Science, 94
Journal articleNog nu, politiker – ta klimatkrisen på allvar
Karin Gerhardt, Kimberly Nicholas, Wim Carton, Anika Binte Habib, Diego Galafassi, et al.
(2022) Aftonbladet Debatt, -
Newspaper articleOm orättvisor i omställningen till en fossilfri framtid
Eric Brandstedt, Henner Busch, Vasna Ramasar
(2022) Tidskrift för politisk filosofi, 26
Journal articleCommunity Energy in the Eastern Baltic Sea Region: From Standstill to First Steps
Salvatore Ruggiero, Henner Busch, Aljosa Isakovic, Teis Hansen
(2022) Renewable Energy Communities and the Low Carbon Energy Transition in Europe , p.49-49
Book chapterBuilding communities in times of crisis - Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the work of transition intermediaries in the energy sector
Henner Busch, Teis Hansen
(2021) Energy Research & Social Science, 75
Journal articleRenewables in Cities 2021 Global Status Report
Lea Ranalder, Henner Busch, Teis Hansen, Marit Brommer, Toby Couture, et al.
ReportContext and agency in urban community energy initiatives: An analysis of six case studies from the Baltic Sea Region
Salvatore Ruggiero, Henner Busch, Teis Hansen, Aljosa Isakovic
(2021) Energy Policy, 148
Journal articlePolicy challenges to community energy in the EU : A systematic review of the scientific literature
Henner Busch, Salvatore Ruggiero, Aljosa Isakovic, Teis Hansen
(2021) Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 151
Journal article reviewOf pipe dreams and fossil fools : Advancing Canadian fossil fuel hegemony through the Trans Mountain pipeline
Naima Kraushaar-Friesen, Henner Busch
(2020) Energy Research and Social Science, 69
Journal articleRenewables in Cities - 2019 Global Status Report
Toby Couture, Henner Busch, Teis Hansen, Flávia Guerra, Anna Leidreiter, et al.
Report218 forskere: Det er tid til at afvikle den danske produktion af fossil energi
Henner Busch
(2019) Berlingske
Newspaper article171 forskare: ”Vi vuxna bör också klimatprotestera”
Per Adman, Mats Alvesson, Elina Andersson, Mimmi Maria Barmark, Ebba Brink, et al.
(2019) Dagens nyheter (DN debatt)
Newspaper articleStor succes med grøn omstilling: Hele verden kan lære af lille by i Island : Akureyri i det nordlige Island er i dag næsten CO2-neutral. Hvordan gjorde indbyggerne det, og hvad kan vi lære af dem?
Henner Busch
(2019) Videnskab.dk
Journal articleEnergimærkø ”vedvarende-lokalt” : Ærø som energi-ø
Paula Karoline Ottenberg, Henner Busch
(2019) Geografisk Orientering , p.32-35
Journal articleREN21 - Renewables in Cities 2019 Global Status Report - Preliminary Findings
Toby Couture, Henner Busch, Teis Hansen, Anna Leidreiter
ReportTowards a Neutral North : The Urban Low Carbon Transitions of Akureyri, Iceland
Rakel Kristjansdottir, Henner Busch
(2019) Sustainability, 11
Journal articleCo2mmunity Working Paper 2.3 - Developing a Joint Perspective on Community Energy: Best Practices and Challenges in the Baltic Sea Region
Salvatore Ruggiero, Aljosa Isakovic, Henner Busch, Karoliina Auvinen, Fabian Faller
ReportCo2mmunity Working Paper 2.1 - Scientific Review on Community Energy Drivers and Barriers
Henner Busch, Salvatore Ruggiero, Aljosa Isakovic, Fabian Faller, Teis Hansen
ReportModernist dreams and green sagas : The neoliberal politics of Iceland's renewable energy economy
Hrönn Guðmundsdottir, Wim Carton, Henner Busch, Vasna Ramasar
(2018) Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space, 1 p.579-601
Journal articleThe hidden price of Iceland’s green energy
Henner Busch, Vasna Ramasar, Wim Carton, Hrönn Guðmundsdottir
(2018) Science Nordic
Journal articleIslands grønne energi har store skjulte omkostninger
Henner Busch, Vasna Ramasar, Wim Carton, Hrönn Guðmundsdottir
(2018) Videnskab.dk
Journal articleOmstilling til vedvarende energi bør inddrage lokalbefolkningen fra starten
Sophie Schwer, Henner Busch, Luis Mundaca
(2018) Videnskab.dk
Newspaper articlePower to the people - How to make the low-carbon energy transition work
Sophie Schwer, Henner Busch, Luis Mundaca
(2018) Science Nordic
Journal article‘Successful’ low-carbon energy transitions at the community level? An energy justice perspective
Luis Mundaca, Henner Busch, Sophie Schwer
(2018) Applied Energy, 218 p.292-303
Journal articleShaping local response – The influence of transnational municipal climate networks on urban climate governance
Henner Busch, Lena Bendlin, Paul Fenton
(2018) Urban Climate, 24 p.221-230
Journal articleEntangled Cities : Transnational Municipal Climate Networks and Urban Governance
Henner Busch
DissertationIdentifying the “Usual Suspects” : Assessing Patterns of Representation in Local Environmental Initiatives
Paul Fenton, Henner Busch
(2016) Challenges in Sustainability, 4
Journal article“We are not in this to save the polar bears!” : the link between community renewable energy development and ecological citizenship
Mine Islar, Henner Busch
(2016) Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research, 29 p.303-319
Journal articleLinked for action? An analysis of transnational municipal climate networks in Germany
Henner Busch
(2015) International Journal of Urban Sustainable Development, 7 p.213-231
Journal articleGreen Attraction : Transnational M unicipal Climate Networks and Green City Branding
Henner Busch, Stefan Anderberg
(2015) Journal of Management and Sustainability, 5 p.1-16
Journal articleLocal power: Exploring the motivations of mayors and key success factors for local municipalities to go 100% renewable energy
Henner Busch, Kes McCormick
(2014) Energy, Sustainability and Society, 4 p.1-15
Journal articleBio-energy – A local resource or a global problem?
Henner Busch
(2011) JointMAG , p.5-6
Newspaper articleThe social complexity of renewable energy production in the countryside
Conrad Kunze, Henner Busch
(2011) Electronic Green Journal, 1 p.1-18
Journal article
With a background in Governmental Studies (Erfurt, Germany) and a MSC in Environmental Studies and Sustainability Science (LUMES) as well as a PhD in Sustainability Science from Lund University, Henner's education has been interdisciplinary from the start. He graduated from his Masters in 2010 with a thesis on the motivation of municipal key-actors to support the introduction of renewable energies. After graduation, he worked for a short spell at the Leibniz Institute for Agricultural Engeneering in Potsdam-Bornim, Germany before returning to Lund. He graduated from his PhD in 2016 with a thesis on the impact of transnational municipal climate networks on urban climate governance. In 2018, he changed department to work for about three years at the Department of Human Geography at Lund University in a project on community energy projects in the Baltic Sea Region before returning to LUCSUS in late 2020. His work mainly focusses on energy and climate governance.