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Mine Islar

Senior Lecturer, Docent



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Mine Islar is an associate professor at Lund University Centre for Sustainability Studies (LUCSUS). She obtained her PhD degree in sustainability science. Her expertise is on transformative governance, social and environmental justice as well as collective action towards sustainability in both urban and rural settings. Apart from this, she also acts as a scientific expert in UN Intergovermental Panel on Biodiversity and Ecosystem services (IPBES) as a Lead Author (2017-2020) for  policy tools and instruments for the Values Assessment and Global Assessment of Biodiversity where she leads a section on governance challenges of SDGs with a special focus on SDG7 goal on energy and its potential implications on biodiversity.

Research Groups



The Pufendorf Institute for Advanced Studies (IAS)’s  special initiative on migration aims to identify interdisciplinary approaches to migration research in Sweden. In this initiative, we would like to discuss migration in a broader sense - where migration is treated as a process which encompasses a variety of phenomena across different disciplines, departments and faculties. New conceptual, theoretical approaches as well as methodological innovations in migration research are at the focus of this initiative.



POLLEN is a global network, consisting of a large variety of political ecologists. As individuals or small groups, these political ecologists have formed so-called ‘nodes’ and interact through POLLEN. The aim of POLLEN is to facilitate interaction and creativity through ‘cross-fertilization’ and to promote the important field of political ecology world-wide, among academics as well as others.



The current energy transition calls for a rethinking of ethical dilemmas on how to allocate the benefits and costs of scarce energy resources, not only among the citizens of urban and rural; north and south; poor and rich but also between current and future generations. Past experiences have shown that realizing energy projects is seldom an uncontested process. From confrontations over oil extraction, concerns over the sustainability of biofuels, to resistance against hydropower, wind energy projects as well as nuclear power, energy questions seem inherently fraught with conflict and sustainability concerns. This ultimately raises the question of energy justice: how can we understand and foster justice and equality when considering past, present and future energy decision-making, production and access.​​​​​​​


Temat Degrowth undersöker hur samhällen skulle kunna vara organiserad om ekonomisk tillväxt inte längre var det huvudsakliga sociala och politiska målet. På senare år har degrowth etablerats som ett paraplybegrepp i kritik mot den centralstyrda ekonomiska tillväxten i våra samhällen och omfamnar flertalet alternativ för ekologisk hållbarhet och social rättvisa. En vanlig missuppfattning är att degrowth är likvärdigt med negativ ekonomisk tillväxt eller att det antyder en återgång till förmoderna förhållanden. Vi ser däremot degrowth som ett sätt att hitta nya sätt att förstå och uppleva ett gott liv.