Barry Ness
Senior Lecturer, Docent

Keywords: Sustainability Science; sustainability methods; sustainable societal transitions; interdisciplinarity; transdisciplinarity; urban living labs; sustainability experimentation; sustainability assessment; sustainable development goals
Research & leadership
Barry Ness is an associate professor in Sustainability Science and the director of LUCSUS. His research focuses on both understanding and promoting sustainable societal change through collaborative methods. Barry is the current work package co-leader for the TRANSFORM Project (2018-2026) where his research concentrates on approaches to stimulate sustainable change in small- and medium-sized enterprises via sustainability experimentation in these organizations. Furthermore, other present research focuses on fostering energy transitions via the creation of methods to access governance systems linked to sustainable energy system development.
Barry was the past director of the local interaction platform in Skåne for the Mistra Urban Futures project (2017-2020), and a work package leader for the project, Globally and Locally Sustainable Food-Water-Energy Innovation in Urban Living Labs (GLOCULL), 2018-2021 (Belmont Forum/Swedish Energy Agency).
Barry has been the Director of Studies for the PhD Research School at LUCSUS (2013-2019), and for LUMES graduate program (2011-2013). Moreover, he was the past editor-in-chief for the journal, Challenges in Sustainability (Librello Publishing). He is a board member and researcher at the Centre for Healthy Indoor Environments (CHIE), at the Faculty of Engineering (LTH).
Past research
Barry Ness' past sustainability research is diverse and has significantly focused on interdisciplinary descriptive-analytical methods development, both conceptual and quantitative approaches to understand complex systems. His PhD research concentrated on understanding the multitude of methods that exist for assessing sustainability, the development of new research approaches based on scale and cross-scale interactions, as well as integrated systems modeling of coupled socio-ecological systems. Furthermore, Barry’s past research has concentrated on how simple, sustainable innovations can be more effectively diffused in rural areas in sub-Saharan Africa, on knowledge systems around direct trade coffee production chains, and on the governance of large land acquisition projects in Africa. Early research has also included quantitative socio-economic analyses (modeling) of municipal solid waste treatment systems, wastewater purification systems, and other agricultural production systems.
Since 2003, Barry has coordinated and/or taught in a variety of methods- and sustainability-focused courses, particularly at master’s and PhD levels. Topic examples include inter- & transdisciplinarity, collaborative tools & frameworks in sustainability, design thinking, anticipatory approaches (e.g., scenarios & visioning), life-cycle assessment, EU agricultural policy, and research ethics. Since 2010, he has been course coordinator for the LUMES Sustainability Science and since 2019, the coordinator for the LUMES Methods 2: Knowledge to Action course. Since 2004, Barry has also been a thesis supervisor or examiner for over 75 theses in different graduate programs. Furthermore, he was the past coordinator for the Energy & Sustainability course the Methods course at LUMES. Barry also a part of the teachers’ team for the Global Field Exercise in Japan and Sweden, a course on participatory research methods, in the Global Leadership Initiative in Sustainability Science at the University of Tokyo (2016 through 2018).
Much of Barry Ness’ research and teaching involves engagement with actors both in- and outside of academia to promote sustainability transitions. Currently, outreach efforts focus on how to improve the sustainability of production and consumption systems in southern Sweden via experimentation in areas such as hydroponic hop growing, craft beer sustainability principles co-creation, perennial agriculture, and indoor mushroom growing.
Research projects
Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title.
Governance of collective energy systems; : Framework and typology to analyse governance of current AE (Aquathermal Energy) and other relevant heating systems
Thomas Hoppe, Nthabi Mohlakoana, Barry Ness, Sara Brogaard
(2024) Work Package 6
ReportSveriges utsläpp måste minska nu, regeringen : 531 forskare: Annars är sveket monumentalt – ni kan inte säga att ni inte visste
Alasdair Skelton, Kimberly Nicholas, Lennart Olsson, David Alcer, Tomas Persson, et al.
(2023) Aftonbladet
Newspaper articleNog nu, politiker – ta klimatkrisen på allvar
Karin Gerhardt, Kimberly Nicholas, Wim Carton, Anika Binte Habib, Diego Galafassi, et al.
(2022) Aftonbladet Debatt, -
Newspaper articleGetting personal with collaborative sustainability experimentation : Reflections and recommendations from a transdisciplinary partnership with the Swedish craft beer sector
Barry Ness, Darin Wahl
(2022) Ambio, 51 p.2544-2556
Journal articleBuilding urban resilience through sustainability-oriented small- and medium-sized enterprises
Sarah Burch, Jose DiBella, Arnim Wiek, Stefan Schaltegger, Wendy Stubbs, et al.
(2022) Urban Transformations, 4
Journal articleCan B Corp certification anchor sustainability in SMEs?
Bruna Carvalho, Arnim Wiek, Barry Ness
(2022) Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 29 p.293-304
Journal articleThe Five Ws of the Water-Energy-Food Nexus : A Reflexive Approach to Enable the Production of Actionable Knowledge
Michele Dalla Fontana, Darin Wahl, Fabiano de Araujo Moreira, Astrid Offermans, Barry Ness, et al.
(2021) Frontiers in Water, 3
Journal article reviewMulti-criteria analysis of municipal solid waste treatment technologies to support decision-making in Kisumu, Kenya
Luciana Capuano Mascarenhas, Barry Ness, Michael Oloko, Frankline Otiende Awuor
(2021) Environmental Challenges, 4
Journal articleImplementing the urban food–water–energy nexus through urban laboratories : a systematic literature review
Darin Wahl, Barry Ness, Christine Wamsler
(2021) Sustainability Science, 16 p.663-676
Journal article reviewLocal projects retrofitted : Mistra Urban Futures’ Cross city Learning and knowledge generation process with solid waste comparative research project
Michael Oloko, Barry Ness
(2020) Comparative Urban Research From Theory To Practice : Co-Production For Sustainability
Book chapterApproaches for Framing Sustainability Challenges : Experiences from Swedish Sustainability Science Education
Barry Ness
(2019) Framing in Sustainability Science : Theoretical and Practical Approaches , p.35-53
Book chapterBetter balancing the social and natural dimensions in sustainability research
Lennart Olsson, Barry Ness
(2019) Ecology & Society, 24
Journal article (comment)Beyond the Pale (Ale) : An exploration of the sustainability priorities and innovative measures in the craft beer sector
Barry Ness
(2018) Sustainability (Switzerland), 10
Journal articleFinding an academic space: reflexivity among sustainability researchers
Åsa Knaggård, Barry Ness, David Harnesk
(2018) Ecology & Society, 23
Journal articleHealthy indoor environments : The need for a holistic approach
Aneta Wierzbicka, Eja Pedersen, Roger Persson, Birgitta Nordquist, Kristian Stålne, et al.
(2018) International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15
Journal articleOn the road to ‘research municipalities’: analysing transdisciplinarity in municipal ecosystem services and adaptation planning
Ebba Brink, Christine Wamsler, Maria Adolfsson, Monica Axelsson, Thomas Beery, et al.
(2018) Sustainability Science, 13 p.765-784
Journal articleExercise on Transdisciplinarity: : Lessons from a Field-Based Course on Rural Sustainability in an Aging Society
Shogo Kudo, Huma Mursaleen, Barry Ness, Masafumi Nagao
(2018) Sustainability, 10
Journal articleAgroecology to Promote Just Sustainability Transitions: : Analysis of a Civil Society Network in the Rwenzori Region, Western Uganda
Ellinor Isgren, Barry Ness
(2017) Sustainability, 9
Journal articleEnergizing agroforestry : Ilex guayusa as an additional commodity to diversify Amazonian agroforestry systems
Torsten Krause, Barry Ness
(2017) International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystems Services and Management, 13 p.191-203
Journal articleIt takes an academic village : Establishing an interdisciplinary research school and educating the first generations of PhDs
Barry Ness, Anne Jerneck
(2017) Diversity in Education : Crossing cultural, disciplinary and professional divides , p.199-218
Book chapterThe Taskforce on Conceptual Foundations of Earth System Governance: Sustainability Science
Barry Ness, Ruben Zondervan
(2017) Challenges in Sustainability, 5 p.1-1
Journal article (comment)Utilizing international networks for accelerating research and learning in transformational sustainability science
Lauren Withycombe Keeler, Arnim Wiek, Daniel J. Lang, Makoto Yokohari, John van Breda, et al.
(2016) Sustainability Science, 11 p.749-762
Journal articleFactors of vulnerability: How large-scale land acquisitions take advantage of local and national weaknesses in Sierra Leone
Yengoh Genesis Tambang, Karin Steen, Frederick Ato Armah, Barry Ness
(2016) Land Use Policy, 50 p.328-340
Journal articleSustainable development through innovation diffusion via an entrepreneur in rural western Kenya : Progress and related challenges
Barry Ness, Ann Åkerman
(2015) Sustainability: Science, Practice, & Policy, 11 p.53-63
Journal articleCollaboration for transformation
Arnim Wiek, Barry Ness, Petra Schweizer-Ries, Francesca Farioli
(2014) Sustainability Science, 9 p.113-114
Journal article (comment)Publishing sustainability research visually : A film about the opportunities and challenges of a rural entrepreneurship initiative in Kenya
Barry Ness, Ann Åkerman
(2013) Challenges in Sustainability, 1 p.80-81
Journal article (comment)Sustainability science : Progress made and directions forward
Barry Ness
(2013) Challenges in Sustainability, 1 p.27-28
Journal article (comment)From complex systems analysis to transformational change: a comparative appraisal of sustainability science projects
Arnim Wiek, Barry Ness, Petra Schweizer-Ries, Fridolin S. Brand, Francesca Farioli
(2012) Sustainability Science, 7 p.5-24
Journal articleEstablishing sustainability science in higher education institutions: towards an integration of academic development, institutionalization, and stakeholder collaborations
Masaru Yarime, Gregory Trencher, Takashi Mino, Roland W. Scholz, Lennart Olsson, et al.
(2012) Sustainability Science, 7 p.101-113
Journal articleStructuring Sustainability Science
Anne Jerneck, Lennart Olsson, Barry Ness, Stefan Anderberg, Matthias Baier, et al.
(2011) Sustainability Science, 6 p.69-82
Journal articleThe African Land grab – Creating more equitable Governance Strategies through codes of conduct and certification schemes
Barry Ness, Sara Brogaard, Lennart Olsson, Stefan Anderberg
PosterStructuring problems in sustainability science: The multi-level DPSIR framework
Barry Ness, Stefan Anderberg, Lennart Olsson
(2010) Geoforum, 41 p.479-488
Journal articleThe African Land-Grab: Creating Equitable Governance Strategies through Codes-of-Conduct and Certification Schemes
Barry Ness, Sara Brogaard, Lennart Olsson, Stefan Anderberg
Conference paper: abstractStructuring Complexity in Sustainability Science with the Multilevel DPSIR Framework: the Case of the Swedish Sugar System
Barry Ness, Stefan Anderberg, Lennart Olsson
(2008) Sustainability Science
Working paperEnvironmental assessment and scenario analysis of sugar beet transport in Scania, Sweden
Barry Ness, Sara Brogaard
(2008) Area, 40 p.459-471
Journal articleLandscape Change in Peri-Urban Areas: a Comparison of Kenya and Southern Sweden
Barry Ness, Nicodemus Mandere, Stefan Anderberg
(2008) Area
Working paperSustainability of the Swedish Sugar Sector : Assessment Tool Development and Case Study Appraisal
Barry Ness
(2008) Lund dissertations in sustainability science
DissertationStructuring sustainability issues: the case of the Swedish sugar system
Barry Ness, Stefan Anderberg
Conference paperBook Review: Managing Urban Futures: Sustainability and Urban Growth in Developing Countries
Barry Ness
(2007) European Planning Studies, 15 p.167-168
ReviewCategorising tools for sustainability assessment
Barry Ness, Evelin Urbel-Piirsalu, Stefan Anderberg, Lennart Olsson
(2007) Ecological Economics, 60 p.498-508
Journal articleEPSD Report No. 3-Towards a “Smart Growth” Strategy for Sustainable Development (Final version)
Anders Ahlbäck, Sara Backlund, Iain Begg, Lennart Olsson, Barry Ness, et al.
ReportAn economic analysis of leachate purification through willow-coppice vegetation filters
H Rosenqvist, Barry Ness
(2004) Bioresource Technology, 94 p.321-329
Journal articleNess, B. & Bramryd, T. (2002) Closing Waste Loops: An Economic Comparison of Waste Treatment Systems in Sweden. , Cagliary, Italy. Oct. 2001.
Barry Ness, Torleif Bramryd
(2002) Sardinia Conference Proceedings
Conference paper
Barry Ness is Associate Professor at Lund University Centre for Sustainability Studies. He is the past director of the local interaction platform in Skåne (SKLIP) for the Mistra Urban Futures project, and, and an editor for Challenges in Sustainability (Librello Publishing). His current research interests include inter- and transdisciplinary approaches for both comprehending and addressing complex sustainability challenges.
He is a researcher and work package leader for the Globally and Locally-sustainable Food-Water-Energy Innovation in Urban Living Labs (GLOCULL) project, and also a work package co-leader for the TRANSFORM project, focusing on SME sustainability experimentation.